Our former Board President, Scott Blech, was featured with John Zenor on local radio: Listen here.

We've been featured on Talk1370 Radio. Listen here.
Capital City Village is in the news! We have been featured on KXAN's Studio 512. Watch our member Kathy and volunteers Arnie and Chammi in action.
Welcome to Capital City Village member, Austin's Favorite Weatherman Jim Spencer
Survivor Checklist
Helpful information shared by a CCV Member-Next Steps Guide.
Check this link for a great resource guide of senior services in Austin.
Other Helpful Links
The Gathering at Westlake Hills
Services for the medically vulnerable
Benefits Counseling 512-916-6062
Ombudsman-assisted/nursing home Info 512-916-6054
Federal Communications Commission-Scam glossary
Federal Communications Commission-Scam Alerts
Funerals (2)
NoMoRobo Call Blocking Service
Seniors and Law Enforcement Together (City of Austin)
U.S. Government Services and Information
Warranties and Extended Warranties (2)
Transportation Resources:
Here's a map of Drive-a-Senior areas with a link to their page: